($5.00 shipping)
$20.00 ($5.00 shipping U.S., $15 to Canada)
What does it mean to be an authentic elder in these particular times, when so much is at stake? This 200 + pages book of poems is a deep dive into reflections on this question.
By check: $20.00 plus $5.00 / shipping (U.S.)
from 685 1/2 Fairmount Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611
($3.00 shipping)
A collection of poems based on Maya’s life-long fascination with the Greek goddess Persephone, beautifully designed by Max Spector.
$15.00 plus $3.00 / shipping
from 685 1/2 Fairmount Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611
or through Paypal
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